Review PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP Poweramplifier door Christiaan Punter

Enige tijd geleden heeft Christiaan Punter van een zeer lovende review geschreven over de PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium Poweramplifier. Over deze versterker zei hij onder andere het volgende:
“Everyone knows that tubes have their special way with voices and midrange in general and I have my fair share of experience in this field too, but I really did not expect this. Apparently, this is one of those rare occasions where a magical match is made. After 20 minutes of playing time (the amp was brand new) involvement was raised to the point where it became hard to walk away. In spite of the low absolute power, the sound was incredibly captivating and dynamics were now seemingly more expansive than with either of the big transistor amps as well as the Ref 75. I couldn’t suppress a smile while I cued some vicious Madonna tracks while cranking up the volume. Smooth as smooth can be but boy now the Sabrinas sure rocked!”
Na de review over de PrimaLuna DiaLogiue Premium Poweramplifier was Christiaan erg enthousiast om de PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP Poweramplifier te testen. Onlangs heeft hij de volledige review op zijn website gepubliceerd, Middels de volgende link kunt u de gehele review nalezen: